Information about the place:
Hindliyan`s House - It was built by an unknown master (1835 - 1840)to the taste of the rich merchant and landowner, Stepan Hindliyan. The relationship between this house and its neighbour Balabanov`s house is impressive. It gives an ensemble kinship of the two buildings. The Hindliyan`s House yard joins together some farm buildings, a bathroom and a basement. The forefront of the yard is very impressive, with its central portico entering inwards. The ground floor is organized round a rectangular hall which is open to three large rooms, a small bay-window on the street`s side, an entrance to the bathroom, and a staircase to the second floor. This is one of the most richly decorated Plovdiv houses. The masters-decorators from Chirpan, Moko and Mavrudi, worked more than 6 months on the painting of all walls, inside and outside, with wall piers, garlands of plant and geometrical ornaments, vignettes, types of still-life and landscape compositions. The ceilings are painted with taste after the pattern of the Orient. The walls are painted with naïve landscapes from